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What the recent primaries tell us about Trump’s chances in November

In a word: DISMAL

Indiana, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Nebraska primaries show that at least 20% of Republicans were so dead set against voting for Trump that they voted for a prior candidate who withdrew weeks or months earlier. Several of these primaries were closed primaries (i.e. you must be a registered Republican to vote in them; no Democrat cross over votes permitted).

And while Trump is sleeping and passing gas in the courtroom, his incumbent opponent is creating jobs across the nation, passing bipartisan legislation that impacts people’s lives, out raising Trump by orders of magnitude, opening up field offices across the country, landing major endorsements, and making a fool out of Trump for his deteriorating mental faculties. To be fair, that last one Trump has done to himself. And, lest we forget, Trump is desperately trying to back track his wildly unpopular platform where he attacks women’s reproductive rights.

Republicans are fleeing the House which makes it easier for Democrats to pass bipartisan legislation and it looks increasingly likely that Democrats will soon control not only the Executive Branch & Senate, but the House as well.

More indictments are coming in several states over fraud in the last election, the RNC is so strapped for cash that they are failing in their primary mission of funding down ballot races because they are paying Trump’s personal legal expenses. Trump was recently caught offering oil company executives carte blanch to write their own Exective Orders if they would donate $ 1 billion to his bankrupt campaign.

It is looking increasingly likely that Trump will be convicted in his NY trial—a criminal felony—and provisions are actively in the works to incarcerate him. Just imagine: Convict 45/47?
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Its weird. Normally i would be a swing voter, but one would have to hate the USA at its core to vote for a man whose primary motivation for running is revenge.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@trollslayer Very well said!

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