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Sage’s Solitary Disry #1

As the fire burns down anyone up for dancing naked around the fire?
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Woke up this morning as one of the campers from yesterday was leaving. So I took advantage of the situation for some skyclad forest bathing, Last nights rain left moisture on the leaves so every breeze brought a shower of cool but invigorating rain water. The walk only lasted about a half hour and it was enough to energize me.
Breakfast was a sausage, egg and cheese croissant with coffee then the next order of business was to find firewood for the night. After getting the wood I drive around the park just to look at the lake.
Then after lunch I took a hike, retracing steps from this morning but going a lot further in the woods. With the humidity and heat of the afternoon U got back and took a short nap.
Supper was pizza from a local shop and the evening ended with a campfire and wine. I’ll b ready to shut things down once I hear the weather forecast for tomorrow.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
I’ve done that, and would definitely be up for that im my current state (having had several hlasses of scotch).

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