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I’m scared I’ll never be fully able to take care of myself

From my severe depression to anxiety and other mental health struggles. To my sleep wake cycle and my circadian rhythm and having fatigue on and off throughout the day and not sleeping at night as an insomniac. I wonder if I will ever have stable work and income even preferably flexible hours and remote work whether as an employee of freelance independent contractor. I wonder if I will ever finish university and get all those degrees, certificates, and diplomas I want. My concentration is very foggy and poor. I’m having trouble just to finish proofreading and. Editing courses just to secure some freelance work. I’m a mess. My parents don’t trust me to drive so I have to get rides everywhere and my dad just sold the car to my cousin and when I’m in a better place they will let me drive again and get me an all wheel drive. My parents keep telling me I should change how warmly I dress for the season how irritating it is. They are trying to get me the services I need and get me to a place with more independence and freedom. I fear I’ll never fully be able to financially support or emotionally support myself and I will always need some sort of assistance as bills and everything else don’t come naturally to me. My parents are trying to get me on disability benefits and maybe some help with finding a part time job. It’s a long process though and I’m supposed to just wait until things tie together. I wish I had been a functional infp or infj who was thriving as an adult. I wish I had been precocious, extremely talented, accomplished, and distinguished from a young age. The best case scenario is I have some assistance for a few years until my mid 30s or so. The worst case scenario is I will never be fully independent and traveling around the world while I work as a digital nomad. My grandparents, parents, and sister say it depends on me. I wonder if I will ever learn all the languages I desire, and master being a published writer and author and excellent at drawing and painintng arts and textile/needle crafts. I’m already so far behind in life. I couldn’t have made a life with my ex boyfriend like this. I hope he is happy with his new future wife. I hate having mental health disabilities.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Focus on the small, daily steps needed to get you to a healthier you. It takes time, hard work, the help of professionals and likely medications. These are tools not weaknesses. The weakness would be giving up, not fighting for your self and not asking for help.
I was raised to believe I had to be self-sufficient, independent and not to rely on a man. I believed this for years. It was not only unrealistic but unreasonable. We all need help, support and guidance. I would suggest you work with your team to get healthy and if you meet a SO who wants to become part of that team accept you are worth it to them. You will be okay. You will make your dreams come true😊
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
Some great geniuses and brilliant people suffered from anxiety/depression and still had amazing successful lives, so remember that "if they can, you can". Something that can regulate your circadian rhythm and help you sleep is to have a clean diet (no fabric sugar). Less carbs, more proteins, fibres, lipids. Try some keto tricks. Plus exercise, walks, dance, anything that helps you feel more active will help your emotional stability. Things that can get me sleepy are garlic and honey (lowers pressure). A small spoon of honey helps me fall asleep when I am too exhausted to relax. You could also sip some warm milk (I heard it can help calming down).
Everything you said about your wished degrees, driving and career prospects is achievable. Pursue them 1 by 1, track your progress and revise your strategies as you go along. Finances can be improved by getting better knowledge on that with books, via classes and some pretty good online educational videos may help you get better at making a budget and paying bills. Keep developing your skills, there will be more online jobs in the future, I think it's the new thing :) You are still young and have all the chances at your side! Do it at your own pace but keep moving forward. You can do it!
in10RjFox · M
Stop taking care of yourself and instead find someone you can take care of. For a start, take care of your parents.. address their needs and take care of them. Fetch things around the house for them and ask what they want or need. Life is all about participating. Life won't be part of you or partner you, until you take part with life.
Nibblesnarf · 26-30, M
A few parts of this are pretty relatable for me. Maintaining optimism can be tough, huh? I wish I had more encouraging and helpful words to offer.

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