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Market mornings 馃挋

And my little friend is now planning a trip to the Atlantic Ocean so we can catch Atlantic Torpedos

We just need two he says! A boy and a girl!

No worries that they grow to be the size of a man

SageWanderer70-79, M
I have to give you kudos for inspiring your little friend to research. It鈥檚 obvious he鈥檚 has taken from what you do with plants and is expanding it in his own way. 馃For being a guide for a young mind.
@SageWanderer yes, it feels so cool. He's just like me as a child
He sounds like a wonderful partner in crime
@Pinkstarburst he's so sweet and smart
Dolimyte41-45, M
He wants to breed them?
@Dolimyte yep 馃ぃ
I love his ambition. 馃榿
@NerdyPotato me too!!

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