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Michael Cohen on Cross today

Sorry that you gave up your day job to represent Quad Indicted, Todd Blanche; you did yourself no favors.

First of all, you tried to confuse the jury by attempting to portray Michael Cohen as the defendant. He’s not. Your boy Quad Indicted is. And your boy’s story is that this never happened and there is no crime.

If your client doesn’t understand the charges (two crimes) against him than either he’s damn stupid (he is) or you sure ain’t much of a defense lawyer (also perhaps true).

Beyond a reasonable doubt. A high bar and the DA and his team certainly cleared it. First, you have three key witnesses: the “eyes and ears”—Pecker; Quad Indicted’s “fixer”—Cohen; and the victim—Stormy Daniels and all their stories mesh. It’s beyond ‘plausible’ and you, your team, and your client offered no alternative explanation!

Cohen’s tapes, the checks, Weisselberg’s contemporaneous handwritten note which itemizes exactly how Cohen was reimbursed, the signature of your client on the checks, the phone records, Stormy’s testimony, your client having the personal information on his Rolex who he claims he doesn’t know, and on and on and on.

Losing your cool with Cohen was really stupid on your part, Todd. Don’t you realize that Michael comes across as a personable guy that people sympathize with. Bad, bad look for a lawyer whom the judge very early said “was losing all credibility in this court”…

So your entire defense is Michael Cohen is a liar (great job, Todd—he admits this), QI is an innocent victim here (hey, Todd, guess who has served time for this, Cohen has fessed up to perjury (unlike QI & Weisselberg)—what possible motive would he have for doing any of these things?!?!?

Well, if you want some free advice, switch your client’s plea to not guilty because he’s unable to comprehend the charges against him and get him fully evaluated for dementia by psychiatrists and neurologists who specialize in dementias. Do it quickly…

…because you are LOSING (BIGLY)!

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