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Due to the economy, I was told by corporate I had to lay one person off.

Since Jack and Judy were lowest on the seniority rolls it would have to be one of them. So, I chose to tell them the situation as they came to work that morning.

Judy came into work first, so I stopped her on her way in and told her I was going to lay her or Jack off.

Judy immediately replied: "Sorry Boss, I am on my period right now, so you have to jack off."

I was speechless! LOL.
DiegoWolfe · 36-40
What we have here is a failure to communicate!!!
DiegoWolfe · 36-40
@WillaKissing Cool hand luke, spoken by the captain.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@DiegoWolfe Okay, I was thinking Smokey and the Bandit. Jackie Gleason made it a huge hit sating. I can still see the little Warden saying that, but not near the impact like Jackie Gleasons delivery.
DiegoWolfe · 36-40
@WillaKissing I know its been used many a time, i was going for the og i think
smiler2012 · 56-60
@WillaKissing 😆obviously a misunderstanding that ended up as a double entendre lol
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
How funny is Jack? Cause Judy's Hilarious. 😂
WillaKissing · 56-60
@Thevy29 Jack, Jack who, oh the guy we laid off, that jack I see. 🤣

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