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31 Craziest Senior Pranks of All Time That'll Bring All the Laughs

I found this fun when I first saw it!

Your senior year of high school will definitely be one for the books, especially with prom and graduation festivities in tow. One of the best parts of being a senior, though, are the perks that come along with your upperclassman status. One of those perks is senior prank day, where risks are taken and hilarious pranks are played on teachers and younger students. Part of the fun is coming up with the most outrageous jokes you can play for the big day. Are you going to fill the halls with balloons or break out into song and dance á la High School Musical during your lunch break?

If you're looking for inspo, just scroll through some of the most epic senior pranks from our readers and Reddit users who have spilled all their senior year secrets. The following ideas are all fun and games, but there's a possibility you may have to face some consequences. It's up to you to decide whether these senior pranks are worth it!

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“We made a slip and slide down the tile trophy hallway.” — @Mae.Montana
“We saran-wrapped all the school's staircases and the main areas.” — @imayorga_
“We locked ourselves in the classroom with food and music till they took the door off.” — @espejodetodo
“We took screwdrivers with us to school and randomly unscrewed things over the course of months – non-essential screws so that whatever we were removing screws from was still left intact. A bucket of screws was later delivered to the principal with no context.” – masterCAKE
“About 30 years ago the senior class bought 10,000 business cards that simply said "Class of 1985", and hid them everywhere. Under couches, behind paintings, in books in the library, in ceiling tiles. Needless to say, the cards are occasionally found even to this day.” – Anonymous
“At graduation about 10-15 of us each had our own tubes of glitter and at the end when they say, we give you the class of 2012 or whatever instead of the graduation caps we threw the glitter in the air. The principal was not impressed.” – Amj9412
“During my sophomore year of high school, the seniors covered the hallway floors with bubble wrap and managed to play elevator music through the announcement speakers.” – ChaneI
“Some seniors paid a company to move a big boulder in front of the main entrance to the school. The school then had to pay that SAME company to come remove it.” –SlyCoopersButt
“We had an interior courtyard in one of the buildings. There was a restaurant about 15 miles away with a Paul Bunyan statue out in front. Most of the school showed up at 4am to get the statue, driving down the expressway with the head over the front of the pickup and the feet almost touching the ground in the back with a tarp over the middle. The pickup was surrounded by 100 or so cars and trucks. Nobody was getting close to it. We got it to the school, hoisted it to the center of the main building and admired our work. The next day the school had to get a crane to get the statue removed. Best part was nobody saw a 100-vehicle convoy with a 15 foot statue in the center, on the highway.” – TheRealOneTwo
“My dad had a close friend who's grandpa owned a chicken farm. At the time, the chicken farm was going to put down a couple dozen hens because they were no longer producing eggs. My dad and his friend got some of there other buddies and asked the one friend's grandpa for the chickens. He said as long as they were gone then he was fine with them taking them so they got a bunch of dog carriers and stuffed them full of chickens. My dad had keys to get into the school because he would run morning workouts for wrestling team so they took all of the chickens to the school on Saturday night and hid them throughout the whole school. On Monday when they came to school the faculty were running around chasing chickens and to top things off, they always served chicken for lunch on Mondays.” – AngelMoroni
“Two friends of mine were part of a 9-person crew that broke into their high school the night of March 31st, entered every single teacher and administrator's office or classroom and removed the top center drawer of their desk. (Note: 1200 student school, over 75 faculty members). They then replaced those top center drawers in another faculty member's desk. Sometimes in an entirely different building of the school. On the morning of April 1st, it was absolute and complete chaos.” – Clapperoth
“A few days before graduating we listed our principal's house for sale by owner on Craigslist. Priced it about $75k below market and scheduled an open house on the day and time of our ceremony. I heard a dozen people were in his driveway when he got home.” – woodrob12
“We glued some coins to the floor in the corridors and on the counter platforms of the school snack shops. We then proceeded to record every person who tried to pick the coins up in the corridor and their repeated attempts, which of course, failed miserably. The snack shop coin videos were even more hilarious because people kept trying to surreptitiously swipe them off the counter and they wouldn't budge. We then played all the videos during the graduation ceremony in one corner of the entrance hall to the school using a projector we repositioned from one of the conference rooms.”– The_Versatile_Virus
“They had teachers fill out a whole list of questions, one question being: For what would you wake up in the middle of the night. Then they did just that, they bought the actual product, went to their house and woke the teachers up (just a few of them who would appreciate the joke). They made a whole video about it and the whole school watched it together in the auditorium. It was a very funny and harmless prank.” – Nousl
"We all skipped class and tailgated in the Senior parking lot. We set up grills, brought snacks and drinks, someone even brought a ping pong table and we played beer pong (with soda). One of my favorite memories from that day was when a 2 of the kids who were particularly known for partying A LOT took on the president and the dean of students at pong." — ANuclearNarwhal
"We combined our senior prank with our senior gift for our band director. We took his old desk chair, brought it up to the top of the 2 story watch tower that he stands on to watch us during marching rehearsals, and threw it off (filming his reaction of course). Then, when he brought us inside to yell at us, boom, there was a new chair sitting at his desk." — anjn79
"We took screwdrivers with us to school and randomly unscrewed things over the course of months — non-essential screws so that whatever we were removing screws from was still left intact. A bucket of screws was later delivered to the principal with no context." — masterCAKE
"We swapped senior classes with another local high school for the day. Their entire class was assigned one of us, and each of us were assigned one of them. It was actually a lot of fun, until the electricity blew at our original high school so they all got to go home early." — ctrm5336
"Our whole class gathered into a circle in the front of the school and pretended that two kids were fighting in the middle (screaming, video recording, etc.). Eventually the school's police officer and some teachers pushed everyone away to find two kids playing a game of chess." — EmeliaClarkeDoMe
"A kid in our Facebook group suggested everyone bring in 2 watermelons, so there would be like 700 water melons lying around the school. As a result, everyone and I mean everyone in our grade brought in 2+ watermelons, so our school was covered with watermelons." — mattlitz96
"We stuck a good some odd 25k plastic forks in the football field. It was awesome." — alritealritealrite
"Since there is always a big deal about kids not parking in the staff parking lot, the students parked their cars bumper to bumper AROUND the staff parking lot. The staff answered by parking in the student lot." — binray
"Our school has this set of stairs going up 5 floors, so the seniors got hundreds of ping pong balls and each student wrote their own personal message to the school on a ball and during one of the passing periods, they dumped them down from the top of the floor. It made a sound like a giant rainmaker and it was pretty cool that pretty much the entire class was a part of it." — eDgAR
"We snuck into the principal's office one night and wrapped his desk and every item on it in tinfoil, then we filled the office with balloons." — StandupGaming
"Weeks of hushed conversations. Rumors spread. Administration got wind of it. Started asking questions. "What is Operation Catfish? When will it take place? Who is responsible?" No one broke. This was to be the greatest prank in the history of the county. The day came. The plans were set. Teachers posted throughout the halls like sentries. Nothing happened. We catfish'd 'em." — Jitzkrieg
"We built a pillow fort in one of the hallways." — T3241
"We hired a mariachi band to follow our principal for a day." — Mrhorrendous
"I went to an all-girls school. We dressed our mothers up in our uniforms and sent them to school for the morning while we all stayed home." — balletomania
"We took all the furniture out of the ground floor and put it on the baseball field... We put a petting zoo on the quad." — reddit user
"We accumulated the money together to buy a cow, then made it walk up the stairs to the second floor. For those who don't know, cows can only walk up stairs, not down (the way their joints work). They had to get a crane to lower the cow back down." — Stamora
"We changed out the default backdrop that is set for all school computers to a meme of a guy in a sombrero and poncho with the words 'Señor Prank.'"— ark hound

The biggest prankster at my school was a guy named Oleksandr. He was killed near the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.
Senior prank my senior year, they disassembled a volkswagen beetle and reassembled it in the 3rd floor cafeteria.
@bijouxbroussard Sadly I wasn't actually involved, probably wouldn't have even known about it if it hadn't still been in the lunchroom the next day when we went to lunch. The school had to bring in some guys from the auto shop classes to disassemble and remove it, probably some of the same kids who put it there in the first place LOL
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Had none of that stuff when I was a senior. I played sports, did my school work, had sex, and kept out of trouble.
@ChipmunkErnie When I was in high school part of "keeping out of trouble" meant not having sex. 🤭
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard I guess I was progressive -- but then again, it WAS the "Summer of Love" when I graduated.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
We enrolled a fictitious kid in school, did all the paperwork and submitted it! The faculty spent a lot of time looking for that kid!

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