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This is too normal for potato taste 馃馃槨

I was reading through old posts of mine and came across stuff related to my ex colleagues. It is when I realized, hey, it feels like its been a really long time since I've been through this shit. People here are way too normal. No one is making offensive sex jokes, or ask inappropriate personal questions. Wtf! People here greet you normally and get to work instead of discussing your sex life amongst themselves and how would they know about it if you didn't tell them, well they visualize it of course. This is too normal for potato taste 馃馃槨
Degbeme70-79, M
Did you read they old post about where you don`t wash you feet. 馃あ
ineedadrink51-55, M
@BittersweetPotato It's too early to be this drunk. Or is it the hash speaking? 馃榿
BittersweetPotato31-35, F
@ineedadrink That's normal potato talk 馃馃ゴ
Degbeme70-79, M
@BittersweetPotato Idjit. 馃檮
Dolimyte41-45, M
You did move to a country famous for politeness.
You miss that kind of behavior? 馃え And you're not getting enough of that on SW? 馃え
firefall61-69, M
Disturbing, isn't it ? Its like the first job you have where the manager is a good manager and knows the business - slightly disorienting all the time
Captainjackass31-35, M
Im sorry I鈥檒l be sure to be more perverted in the future.
TheSirfurryanimalWales61-69, M
Let me are on SW.
Enough unpoliteness to go around 馃榾
ineedadrink51-55, M
Normalicy is not over-rated.
Potato has sloot tastes

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