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Slippered by the PE teacher

The last one to get changed into their PE kit had to bend over for a whack of the slipper to encourage us to get changed quickly. Of course someone had to be last so there was at least one whacking every PE lesson. The last one out had to bend over in front of the class and receive a whack on the behind with a plimsoll.

Once I got chatting to my friend Lizzie and we suddenly realised we were the only two girls left in the changing room. Lizzie was a very polite well behaved girl who had never been in trouble and I could tell she was very nervous at the prospect of getting the slipper. I wasnt exactly looking forward to it but wasnt too worried as I had seen other girls get it and knew it would be only one whack, so I said "Go on you go first so you are not the last one out. Hurry up though otherwise we might both get the whack".

Lizzie was out the changing room door like greased lightning and I heard her tell the teacher that I was still in there ! I then followed and was told to bend over. I then received a whack of the slipper across my behind. It stung a bit more than I expected but soon wore off. Lizzie then whispered to me, but not quietly enough, "Did that hurt ?". Before I could reply the teacher told Lizzie to come to the front. "Did I hear you ask if it hurt?" "Yes Miss". "You are about to find out. Bend over !" "Oh Miss !" "Dont you Oh Miss me Lizzie Jones. You were too slow getting changed. Bend over !"

Whack ! Ow !!! Her face was as red as a beetroot with embarrassment. It was the only time a teachers slipper made contact with her back side throughout her entire time at the school.

I should point out that it was only a token whacking undertaken in a fairly light hearted atmosphere. Miss Wilson was not the stereotypical slipper happy PE teacher. She was actually quite nice and it was very rare for her to give anyone a serious slippering. On the very rare occasions when a serious slippering was administered it was always done in private. I never came anywhere close to experiencing that and not many girls did but I was on the receiving end of her "one whack" slipperings a few times.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Some teachers get pivoted against kids. They need to be kept in check, otherwise stuff like this would still happen.
Miss Wilson seems ok and not someone always on the lookout for an excuse to spank. Changing can be difficult for all sorts of complex reasons, especially for adolescents going or not going through puberty-inducing developmental changes. I suppose hurrying it might not be such a bad idea since locker rooms often inspire jokes and other harsh comments. In the case of Lizzie, she was clearly teasing.
SallyH · 56-60
@Alfred22 Not that brave as it was only one whack on each occasion. Not a serious punishment at all and done in a fairly jocular atmosphere. One of my friends deliberately got herself slippered as a dare. I dared her ro be the last to get changed thinking she probably wouldnt do it - but she proved me wrong !
@SallyH Amazing to me how we all were challenged by dares. Did you have "I double dog dare you to ...!"
@Alfred22 The double dog challenges were often linked with a bet that you would not do ...!
smiler2012 · 56-60
@SallyHsch i saw it happen at senior school we where sent on a run and had too assemble on the top field . the games teacher was there and the boy who came last he got the slipper from the games teacher . he never used his own slipper he asked somebody too donate theirs for the slippering
Justme264 · 70-79, M
Not uncommon at my school

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