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is there anything wrong with being concerned about immigration levels

specifically mass immigration, which is doing a lot of harm to the uk, where i live.

am i wrong for being concerned about it? why am i wrong?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Please specify the harm being done to the UK through immigration. Facts and specific data please.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
@windinhishair i have no data except that which i see with my own eyes, i live here and from what i see /hear all around me mass immigration is destrying this country...its not just me who's talking about it there are many like me who are concerned and rightly so.

you think mass immigration is okay? that anybody can just come here in any amount of numbers just because they feel like it?

i'm not against immigration only that it must be vetted and controlled.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@darkmere1983 I see. So you have no facts or data, just a feeling of personal doom.

Some immigration is desirable. There needs to be a defined process and people should have input, but in the end, your representatives have the final say.
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@darkmere1983 what he's trying to say is, you have no right to feel the way you feel, you heathen. you will accept mass migration and you will be happy about it. you have no right to complain.

the situation here in the u.s. is similar. in the past, you were expected to assimilate into the culture and immigration was controlled. if you even mention that now, you will be verbally attacked and ridiculed.

and before anyone starts spouting off with the xenophobic nonsense, i'm married to an immigrant (legal) and she feels the same way.
ShadowDancer · 41-45, M
Let's just say, I don't fancy a day trip to London these days.

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