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Born on this date

Louis “Studs” Terkel (1912). Author, radio personality

“TIPPETT: So, you know, one thing that is very striking that I didn’t expect is that this book, your book about death, it’s really a very religious book.
TERKEL: Religious book?
TIPPETT: Yes. I mean, there’s a lot of religion in it, all the way through it. I mean, did you know that, that those themes would be so prominent when you started it?
TERKEL: Well, I knew religion would play a role when I — to be fair, I happen to be an agnostic. You know what an agnostic is, don’t you?
TIPPETT: Oh, yeah.
TERKEL: A cowardly atheist. And I’m an agnostic. … You asked about the afterlife. Well, I can’t take bets on it. Who’s going to take my bet, you know? I, myself, don’t believe in any afterlife. I do believe in this life, and what you do in this life is what it’s all about.”
—Interview with Krista Tippett on "Speaking of Faith," American Public Media, 2004

Henry Fonda (1905) Oscar winning actor

“There had never been any renunciation of religion on my part, but like so many people, it was a gradual fading away.”
—Fonda, quoted in "Fonda: My Life" by Howard Teichmann (1981)

Brian Eno (1948) musician, producer

“Basically, Abrahamic religion belongs to the Middle Ages, and we’re moving beyond that now. We’re moving beyond wanting religion to do things it used to do. It used to have an explanatory role, but science has taken that place. It used to be the main source of beauty and awe, but art has taken that role. It used to be the main source of sanctions, but law has taken that role. What remains is what primitive people use it for – consolation and community-building.”
—Eno interview with Jules Evans, History of Emotions Blog (June 19, 2013)

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