I'm emotionally drained by all the weird bullshit today and idk what to do with the rest of my time tonight.. so help me decide..
Poll - Total Votes: 3
Stare at the ceiling so that it doesn't catch onto you..
Send out some snail mail nudes to some girlies... They'll appreciate it more that way..
Kill a dinosaur.. A most difficult and daunting task. But I believe in you!
Hunt down that one song you're never going to find again.. 492'th times tha charm!
invite someone over for some midnight spaghetti.. Then cry in front of them cuz there's no spaghetti
Just make polls.. Ur good at polls...
I think this answer is obvious... Metal Garbage Can Acoustic Cat Karaoke!
You can tell me about my future and I'll believe all of it, no lie, I will do anything you say!
Let's make our animal crossing characters start a cult
Why is there never an option for u to fall in luv with me!?
You can only vote on one answer.