Just between us .... i got me some R.J. Rushdoony for 50 bucks
It all started about a week ago, watching best reformed systematic theologies videos, one mentioned this Rushdoony feller. I couldn't find his systematic on amazon, but there's a couple with 3 books each that are prominently displayed when searching his name on amazon. He's as i gather more political than any of the other Reformed sources i have so this will be an interesting guy to read. Just before my decision to fork over the dough for over 3,000 pages of him i learned of how he had bad blood with others, and how his 1st wife had a nervous breakdown, and how opposed he was generally to how things generally are in a Politically Correct landscape, which i might never be able to speak knowingly about in either pro or contra terms. ... A Calvinist philosopher R.J. Rushdoony, who can be seen giving messages if looked for, is IN my library now, woo-hooo!!!!