I don't know now
Outside I smile, people kind of seem to believe it. I smile and I laugh, I have fun and I do things everyone else does.
Inside I am screaming. I am dying. I am ripping myself into tiny pieces and wishing I could change it all.
I scream until my lungs are raw. I cry until the tears stop falling. The scars aren't physical but they are very real. They burn and they hurt and the pain is seemingly unending.
Sometimes we scream in a way that nobody can hear. Sometimes we cry for help and nobody is there. Sometimes, we find the support network that can carry us from the depths of hell to a safer space for a while. Before the World continues and we have to start again.
Maybe I am the only one. Maybe I am not.
This is far from eloquent.
But the truth rarely is.
Inside I am screaming. I am dying. I am ripping myself into tiny pieces and wishing I could change it all.
I scream until my lungs are raw. I cry until the tears stop falling. The scars aren't physical but they are very real. They burn and they hurt and the pain is seemingly unending.
Sometimes we scream in a way that nobody can hear. Sometimes we cry for help and nobody is there. Sometimes, we find the support network that can carry us from the depths of hell to a safer space for a while. Before the World continues and we have to start again.
Maybe I am the only one. Maybe I am not.
This is far from eloquent.
But the truth rarely is.