No, actually in my book, it would be opposite.It's only okay if it is a serious last alternative to a failing relationship.And is done out of self-preservation and mutual interest.Or self rescue
@rinkydinkydoink The perfect. Relationship doesn't actually have to be perfect. That is the sad part. It is when 2 imperfect people give their loyalty and undying affection to one another. Unconditionally and pledge to go forward. Despite the obstacles making it work bringing their best to the table. Mutually, it is not a hard thing to do. It only is hard when there is commitment and shallow minded self centered people
@rinkydinkydoink if it is just a female friend I really don't care who she fucks but I am not going to share my girlfriend or my wife with the entire male population and sit there and think it's okay personally I think anyone who does has no self-respect or very low self-esteem that is my viewpoint you are welcome to think different but you certainly are not going to convince me otherwise