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the largest women's university in the world Is in Saudi Arabia 🏫👩‍🎓

It was established in 1970. The university is named after the sister of the country's first king and leader, King Abdulaziz.
“ The Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University”
Londonn · 36-40, M
because there is no other university for women? probably
Londonn · 36-40, M
Yeah lol, Turkish call turban, you call hijab, whatever.
Moreover, please don't adversite Saudi Arabia like it has some women's human rights, it is ridiculous 😁 Moreover, that law you talk about is in place for only 3 years? 😂 whatever, you are funny.
Take care 😊
Moon3624 · 18-21, F

“ only 3 years? ”

I have pictures of my mom
In her 20s and 30s not wearing abaya or hijab in Saudi Arabia .-.
Meaning that before the 60s 70s and early 80s etc
Such law didn’t exist in Saudi Arabia
and then because of extremists
There was a law that forced women to cover up
But few years ago it was lifted.
So Saudi Arabia didn’t do something “new “ by lifting the law.
And yes I am more than happy to see my country admit it’s mistakes and head to a brighter future,
i couldnt be prouder!
Every country got its pros and cons what matters is that each country realize their cons and aim to improve regularly😊
it’s my country that I love
And I’ll talk ab it as much as I want 💆‍♀️
Take your jealousy negatively and hatred somewhere else~
It’s showing pretty hard😂
You actually inspired me to post more and more about Saudi Arabia 😌
If you keep with ur jealousy ,ima block you
Ciao buddy
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LookingForTheSummer · 31-35, M
Why would there be a university only for women? 🤔
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
in general in Saudi both genders attend the same university but there are
Certain universities for only a specific gender
There are many womens college in usa and other countries too .
I don’t see the issue
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Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@SW-User why what?

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