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From the US Museum of Holocaust

Seems familiar, somehow... 🤔

hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Actually the early signs of fascism is the belief that through evolution everything is getting better even if it appears to be getting worse. Along with that is the dismissal of natural order and nature. When the number three guy in Nazi Germany was finally captured and asked about his actions he responded that the world was getting better even if a few million individuals died since their death was simply speeding up the "improvement". Most people fail to understand that Nazis were the darlings of the progressives until they were shown to be mass murders. Then the progressives accused them of being right wing nationalists. I suppose you could accuse them of national triumphalism but we see that in the present US where America is at constant war interfering in other nations affairs. As is commonly stated when there are two countries at war you can be sure that an American Rep had recently visited one of them.
This isn’t fascism.. it’s a commie enemies list…
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Every fact that does not fit your agenda is automatically the fault of the other, isn't it? It is called projection.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
Probably because it was written by some leftist 10 years ago.
@daydeeo No, but not surprising you would dismiss the lessons of WWII.

You dishonor the graves of everyone who died in that War on the side of freedom.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@daydeeo does it really matter who wrote it if it still applies? None of those things are positive.

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