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To Hell With The Law: Pennsylvania Democrats Say They’ll Continue to Count Illegal Votes Despite U.S. Supreme Court Ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week that ballots have to conform to all legal rules to count, but Pennsylvania’s Democrat election officials say they don’t care about the law and will continue to count votes that are illegal under the laws of the state.

Backing a Republican challenge, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that ballots that are not dated by the voter are in violation of Pennsylvania’s election laws and, therefore, they are not legal and cannot be counted as a proper vote.

However, on Tuesday, Pennsylvania’s left-wing election officials said that they will continue to count improperly filled out ballots despite any ruling by the nation’s highest court.

“Every county is expected to include undated ballots in their official returns for the Nov. 8 election, consistent with the Department of State’s guidance,” said acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman, a Democrat. “That guidance followed the most recent ruling of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court holding that both Pennsylvania and federal law prohibit excluding legal votes because the voter omitted an irrelevant date on the ballot return envelope.”

This Democrat thinks she has the power to summarily ignore or change laws just because she finds them “irrelevant.”

To hell with The Constitution, I make The Law around here
Justlookin · 51-55, M
The current administration will make sure all states have the same choice as’s why the boarders have been basically wide open. Votes votes votes!
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
@badminton Without requiring voters to show a valid photo ID, how can any ilegal alien be prevented from voting?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@sunsporter1649 That makes no sense. I'd want to see the source documentation for that claim.
Baremine · 70-79, C
Proves that democrats think the only ones that have to follow the law are everyone except democrats. Therefore by their own admission they, democrats, are criminals.
ItsSteve · 46-50, M
Thr court disnissed the Third Circuit decision on grounds of mootness. So they didnt actually rule that those ballots aren't legal...just that the Circuit Court should never have decided the case in the first place, if you see the distinction.
ItsSteve · 46-50, M
@sunsporter1649 that's 4 letters. It would be an interesting thing to look at, though
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ItsSteve [media=]
ItsSteve · 46-50, M
@sunsporter1649 i think we're too far apart on this to come to some sort of agrewwment, unfortunately.
Obviously I'm not American never mind from Pennsylvania but it seems rather insane to invalidate a vote because there isn't a date on it. What on earth is helped by having the date? It's not like the ballot could be for some OTHER election.

America boasts about being a democratically-accountable republic (keeps everyone happy saying that I guess) but it seems to be a lot of its democratic system is designed to make it harder to vote, and for no reason.

In the UK we've got loads of laws that are twice as old as the USA and we ignore them every day. I'm sure the sky won't fall in if otherwise valid ballots cast by valid electors get counted despite not having a date on them 🙄
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@ItsSteve bullschiff
ItsSteve · 46-50, M
@MasterLee I believe they did. The date was the only thing at issue.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@ItsSteve why did rhey find thousands of uncounted ballots in storage after the election
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
Try turning in your tax return without any indication of the year or when you filled it ou.
ItsSteve · 46-50, M
@Riverman2 Intuit, at least, suggests you should be fine if you forget to date your tax return.

And ballots have the year on them already.
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
@ItsSteve Lets try this. I say that the sky is blue.
ItsSteve · 46-50, M
@Riverman2 Yep.....
Lesulk11234 · 31-35, M
Leave it alone man
Lesulk11234 · 31-35, M
@sunsporter1649 Stop pushing your false agendas on people it's getting old.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@sunsporter1649 he should be locked up for withholding evidence
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Then sorry PA but you are decertified.
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
@MasterLee maybe the Supreme Court will rule Pennsylvania votes don't count or not allowed in national elections
graphite · 61-69, M
Democrats are above the law.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@graphite until January. Then we start our own J6
graphite · 61-69, M
@MasterLee Unless they steal the election.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
I think someone is pulling your chain for midterms. The Supreme Court did rule that they they were allowed. It didn't matter as it was only 250 ballots.
ItsSteve · 46-50, M
@sunsporter1649 I don't understand why you're being rude to people. This isn't an insult contest or a fight. Its a discussion about a recent event.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
@ItsSteve It's called fake news. If you don't agree, you're dismissed. 🤭

I'm not making it up. It's on the official Supreme Court record. How can one argue that? I'm republican with a pew pew too. 🤷🏻‍♂️
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ItsSteve The Supreme court refused to take the case, denying that clown in Pennsylvania who wanted to count illegal ballots a kick in her legal posterior, thereby reverting the law back to the Pennsylvania Constitution, which has specific rules in how and which ballots are to be counted. That clown in Pennsylvania told the Supreme Court to stuff it, she was going to count them anyways. As usual, reuters got it wrong
IM5688 · 61-69, M
Sounds a lot like Nancy Pelosi.
Sporthy, can you show us where the Constitution says SCOTUS decides who among voting age is eligible to vote?

Oh wait, you can't because the Constitution leaves it up to each state to decide who is eligible to vote. States' rights, remember how conservatives used to love those states' rights??
@Slade When you're dealing with sporty, he changes the subject with every message! So, when in Rome, ...

sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
That guidance followed the most recent ruling of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court holding that both Pennsylvania and federal law prohibit excluding legal votes because the voter omitted an irrelevant date on the ballot return envelope.”
monte3 · 70-79, M
And as always where did you find this nugget?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@monte3 Why? No insurrection, no use watching a clown show
monte3 · 70-79, M
@sunsporter1649 see for people capable of thinking evidence matters. 🤷‍♂️
And notice I was making a far more board point: trump was still with trying to overturn the lawful election on January 6th. Pressuring pence do show loyalty to him rather than the US with the idiotic Eastman only the outgoing Vice President can pick the next president idea for example. Even claiming their was a steal with no evidence shakes democracy. And in fact he knew he lost, he just didn’t care, his remaining in office trumped the good of the country.
So quibble about the word insurrection if you want are you sorry trump did not succeed in overturning the lawful election results? Do you think the violence was justified?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@monte3 You mean the murder of an unarmed woman by a cop?
4meAndyou · F
We are obviously in a time period where state legislatures feel they can apply their own state's lack of proper law to federal elections...and I suppose that is true. Ultimately, the state's legislature has the power to make state voting laws.

It's not strictly kosher, it.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Democrat election officials say they don’t care about the law

Livingwell · 61-69, M
@Budwick So do republicans.. both sides are corrupt. 🤣
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@MalteseFalconPunch In their own words.

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turbineman40 · 80-89, M
The state of Pennsylvania has to the federal government laws. With the US Congress have to make a ruling on this?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@turbineman40 "Article I Legislative Branch
Section 4 Congress
Clause 1 Elections Clause
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
monte3 · 70-79, M
What did you think about the jan6th committee today?
Or does the failure of the mob still haunt you 😉
Pennsylvania is in the Heart of Dixie - morally.
Baremine · 70-79, C
@Roundandroundwego not anymore.
@Baremine always. See the trucks, feel the hate.
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
That's been the attitude. Disgusting isn't it.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
To quote an age-old British saying: "The law is an ass."

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