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What is it about the future and equality and justice that so scares people?

Why must the world be for the few instead of for all?
We don't have enough experiences with those unlike us. Fear is the basis of "other"-ing people, so exposure to all sorts of people helps.

This tends to explain why people are more "liberal" in big cities: they come into contact with LOTS of "others", and get to see that the "others" really have the same asperations as we, ourselves.

Good dog breeders have "puppy parties" where they invite all kinds of people--light, dark; young, old; long / short / big / no hair; facial / no facial hair; handicapped using a cane or wheelchair, etc.--and they pass a young litter around to give the pups some experiences with people NOT like the breeder. It helps the socialization of "man's best friend" to the range of humanity.

We need to expose kids tona wide variety of PEOPLE so that they are also "socialized to the range of humanity".
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
It is fear.

When we have freedom to live peacefully...they fear we will hold them accountable for how they treated us.

It is the same fear they had of freed slaves.

It is the same fear they had of the civil rights movement and why they shot MLK.

It is the same fear that lead them to shoot Fred Hampton. He was a risk because he was a Black man who wanted Black men to use the same second amendment rights the powers that be cry about needing to protect against a tyrannical government.

It is the same fear that lead them to over turn Roe. ....

They won't stop. They are afraid of being held accountable by those they have oppressed and
Ignored. By those that love the ones they have lynched and snuffed out.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
E pluribus unum broseph
tenente · 100+, M
wild how even in the face of a cataclysmic event like the pandemic people still chose themselves instead of rallying together for the sake of humanity
tenente · 100+, M
@tenente also, i spelt cataclysmic right on the first try no spell check or nothing 🤗 yay me!!

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