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Help my little boy in public restroom?

Every time my Son needs to use the restroom, he has no problem doing so. The issue is that it public restrooms are not designed with small children in mind. Imagine if you were a little boy walking into a restroom and everything was oversized and way out of his grasp

my son is really small for his age. Literally everything is out of his reach , and to add insult to injury, most places don’t even have a stepstool available, i’m not sure how little kids supposed to reach the soap or sink or paper towels if they are by themselves.

so there my kid is, unable to see what he is
doing above the counter, Fossetts are too far, paper towels and/or hairdryers along with soap dispensers are a good foot or two above his head. He is going to have to grow quite a bit to be able to reach these items

The issue is Im new to all of this parenting stuff, I can’t find a comfortable way of holding my little guy up to the sink to wash her hands. And I don’t want to put him up on the dirty counter.

so my question— How do you lift your kid up to the sink?
Trolls can't breed. Lol
ImaNEWparent · 36-40, M
No. I’m just asking a question. @canusernamebemyusername
2cool4school · 46-50, F
No. I’m just asking a question.
good thing you said so because we believe you right,@canusernamebemyusername ?? Lol 😂
Make your mind up... you were posting to ask the same question about a daughter earlier.

Also, you must have twins, too, because the other post on your profile references a four year old little girl who is afraid of the family dog.

Do I smell a low grade troll in the site??? 🤨
ImaNEWparent · 36-40, M
I have a daughter and a son, I make a mistake on that post And deleted it because I didn’t want people
Making assumptions, I guess I just screwed it up. Be making a mistake in a post. @HootyTheNightOwl
Torsten · 36-40, M
what about parent bathrooms? they can be a lil more better for younger children
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@Torsten that’s way too logical. Besides this user seems to really enjoy asking for parenting advice. Whatever glazes your donuts 🍩 @ImaNEWparent

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