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A guy like me

So my buddy is trying to talk me into getting full custody of the kids. I have them almost all the time anyway but would they give them to a guy like me.
With my issues with tourettes and my outbursts.
I don't think they would
CommandLine · 56-60, M
I would like to say they would, but I suspect you might be right, although that should not make any difference. You are a good father and clearly love your kids so much.
I suspect your ex would fight and put you down even more.
I don't think you need that sort of stress at the moment either.
Sorry if that sounded a bit blunt, just thinking of your wellbeing.
NewRaven · 51-55, F
I’ve read your other posts about you having the kids full time right now. Idk about where you are, but where I am the courts would view that as child abandonment and would automatically change up the custody and visitation agreement
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@cigarguy101] 😆well there is only one way too find out nothing ventured nothing gained . what have you too lose by trying for full custody
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@smiler2012 honestly i don't know if she'd even fight me for them.
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Cigarguy101 it would show in that case what a sham mother she is and that is not meant as disrespect too your parenting skills . most mothers worth there salt would fight tooth and nail too keep custody of her kids

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