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Monday · F
I believe im on my second round of Covid. This stuff is crazy. The fatigue is the thing getting most. Hope you are better soon.
4meAndyou · F
Drink WATER. You are dehydrated!
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
I;ve been dealing with a normal winter cold for weeks. Shiftwork makes it hard to throw off the last bit (the upper mucosal repiratory effects). I got a pcr test and it's not The Vid.
I only used one painkiller when I had covid and that was on day 1...had a terrible headache and body aches. Honestly into day 2 I actually felt ok. Obviously not completely normal but well enough to do everyday stuff and go out (couldn't though bc of isolating).
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Torsten · 36-40, M
@SW-User hahaha
InHeaven · F
Eat raw vitamin C stuff, like 🍋, 5-10 per day.