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Got In A Spot Of Bother Today.....

...But, hey ho, right?

This is what went down; We have this slightly grumpy old boss at work who's always moaning away...Today he has an IT issue and, try as he might, he just can't get his computer to do what he wants it to.

So....he calls up for advice/IT support and gets lil ol' me on the phone....

He tells me, gruffly, what his issue is and what he's tried to do to get it to work....goes off on one about the '...rubbish system..' etc...

I just answer back 'Hmmmm.......' (big pause for dynamic effect) '...have you tried switching it off and on?'

Embarrassingly, almost stuttering over his words, he says that he hasn't. He tries it. We wait. It works (I'm a genius, sweeties!)....

'Well, that was easy. I could have done that...'

'But you didn't, I did. That's why you pay me the big bucks, sweetie...' I answered...

Later on, talking to a co-worker in that particular boss' department, I hear that he was (and I quote) 'miffed' about how I chatted back to him.

Pffft! Whatever! Talk to the hand etc....

CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
After 40 years in the game, I have more notches on my professional headboard than I care to recall. All those years in programming sweatshops, and yet people (especially bosses) think "Well I could have done that." But you didn't, did you? That is why I'm an IT specialist and paid accordingly and you run a third grade box-shifting department.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
I think your response was wonderful

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