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Dino11 · M
How many wars occurred when Trump was in
And how many innocent civilians died like in
Biden’s Middle East War and the Ukraine?
Vin53 · M
@Dino11 Is your next bs made-up number going to be 62? Im noticing a trend. Oh, and not for nothing but do you agree with trump that when you pour a glass of water on magnets they dissolve?
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helenS · 36-40, F
Comparing Mr. Trump to Adolf Hitler is an insult to Hitler's victims. 👎🏼
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zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@MarmeeMarch I think I'd rather by Riding with Biden instead of Tyranising with Trump.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
Look at the things the Democrats did during Covid, and you will see an actual
comparison to Nazis.

Democrats are the biggest threat to America.

Trump is the biggest threat to Democrats. Wait and see what happens after
Trump wins in November, we will see violent, dangerous people attacking
every Republican in the country.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Australia closed it's borders, the USA opened it's borders.

Do you suppose that had anything to do with it? 🤔
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@DogMan It sould have, apart from a couple of plague filled cruise ships that landed and spread it through Sydney. ww delayed the first wave, before the Vaccine was developed. And while it went through places like old people homes and killed too many, it was kept from spreading widely. The point is that community acceptance of the lock downs saved lives. And community support for the vaccines and boosters is still doing it.
I guess we value Australian lives more than you value American ones..😷
Oneofthestormboys · 100+, M
I think that any politician that polarises a significant proportion of a nation is extremely dangerous, let alone one that has got a military and a nuclear arsenal as extensive as the USA’s. We could all be in big big trouble if this man gets into power again.
Sadly, the comparisons with the Nazis are very real. People behave in a different way when being driven by a leader who has the nation by the throat. That’s how innocent people die, and the moral fibre of a nation is distorted.
And worse still, we (supposedly) intelligent humans appear to be capable of learning very little from history 😞
Oneofthestormboys · 100+, M
@Vin53 I use British English my friend.
Vin53 · M
@Oneofthestormboys I am wrong and I apologize.
Oneofthestormboys · 100+, M
@Vin53 No prob.
Trump isn't anywhere near as competent as Hitler was.
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neglected to appoint a propaganda minister like Goebbels

Kinda unnecessary, considering how much far-right media there is that just repeats anything Trump says. Though if Project 2025 goes through, I'm sure there will be an official minister of propaganda.
DogMan · 61-69, M
This has got to be one of the most immature, naive comparisons, in politics today.

It proves that the left will say absolutely anything, if it helps their cause.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman You are right. Democrats accuse Republicans of doing
everything the Democrats are doing.
@whowasthatmaskedman Netanyahu is using Göring's strategy in his genocide too.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@BohemianBoo I cant argue with that. There are no good actors in that conflict. Just innocent civilians used as pawns on both sides..😷
bookerdana · M
He's an Authoritarian core,no shame
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zonavar68 · 51-55, M
Why is it poor form? Trump appears to idolise Hitler's philosophies.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@MarmeeMarch Still a shift. But OK. America has a duel position on Israel. First is the public PR position of condemning the Israeli push which is taking a devastating toll on the Palestinians. Second is the background continuing of material aid which was never going to stop, due to the US economics, of export earnings and the Israeli proxy of dealing with Iran if and when it becomes expedient. Its all smoke and mirrors..The Americans wont actually DO anything to stop it. Just tut tut a lot. and shake their heads..😷
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@MarmeeMarch America never met a war it didnt profit from at some level.. But with the latest crop you have to look inward to see the profit. Arms and military equipment exports are one thing America still does.. So the profit is to the military indusrial providers, and the Civilian contract companies like Halliburton. Of course they feed of the government, which is the taxpayer. But thats what America has come to. Feeding off itself..😷
Bumbles · 51-55, M
True, but worth noting the similarities and differences.

Both scapegoat, but Hitler’s antisemitism is obviously much worse that Trump’s anti-immigration.

Trump is an isolationist and Hitler sought an empire.

Trump and Hitler are both racist, but Trump’s racism is pale in comparison to Hitler’s.

Both fetishize the military, but disdain professional generalship.

Both have a cult following.

Both are illiberal in terms of disdain for rule of law and democracy.

Both harken back to a golden age.

Hitler liked Wagner and was a vegetarian. Trump not so much.

Good times…
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I don't think comparing Trump to Hitler works as a tactic, even if I think part of it is actually true.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@MistyCee He would use the tactics or Stalin or the Virgin Mary if he thought he could gain from it.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@JimboSaturn and he sure ain't the Virgin Mary
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Seems to me that it is left wing DEMOCRATS like Joe Biden and the Biden Biddys who are against Israel. Just like Hitler and the Nazis.
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SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
How DID it end for the last guy ?
Vin53 · M
@AthrillatheHunt We left Germany for Europe to deal with.

Japan was the smart move.

I think we're done with this for tonight.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Vin53 we left our military in Germany . In fact they are still there . Europe wanted no part of anything concerning war or even defense post WW2.
Have a good evening dude .
Vin53 · M
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Trump admires Hannibal Lecter, and Hitler admired Hannibal.

@Bumbles The late great Hannibal Lecter!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@BohemianBoo He probably thinks the two Hannibals are related. Along with that guy from the A Team...😷
@whowasthatmaskedman Hannibal Lecter came up to Rome, big cannibal, strong cannibal, tears running down his mask! And he said SIR! Sir, I want to eat Caesar, I want to turn him into a salad. And that, folks, is where the Caesar Salad comes from, a lot of people don't know that. You know who doesn't know that? Crooked Joe Biden!
Poor form is an interesting way to put it when we're talking about Trump, who thrives on playing with Hitler tropes and even Hannibal Lecter.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Maybe you should learn to read then study some history. Stop being a sheeple for cnn
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Patriot96 I know considerable more about the economic history of the third reich than you do and how it fed into Hitlers political choices. But please continue to show up your simplicity. It marks you as clearly as the yellow streak down Trumps back. At leaast Hitler had the courage to serve...😷
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Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Someone on here once compared him to Jesus and was being serious
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Burnley123 There are some real cultists here.
Captainjackass · 31-35, M
He’s literally quoted hitler and has the same beliefs and policies as him. They also both like getting peed on apparently.
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ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
No, it just proves you have a knowledge of history and are aware of current events.
Having a privatized public square is fascism.
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RockerDad · M
@JimboSaturn give Trump time. I’m sure he will get there too.
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